Content marketing engages your audience and enables you to cultivate a relationship and a sense of community with them. When you write passionately and authoritatively about your expertise in your field through your content, you position yourself as a thought-leader in the industry.
The marketing of days gone by was simply concerned with interrupting people with a brand message. Today it is all about connection. If you cannot connect with your audience and gain their trust then you’re not marketing, you’re just background noise.
In a recent post by Hootsuite it reads that social listening is imperative. As a brand you must pay attention and figure out what your audience is into and how you can use that information to enable sales.
We at Helium Marketing call it the 3 C’s of Content
Use this basic metric to understand how many people have viewed or accessed your content. Simple tools such as Google Analytics will offer you data driven insights into your audience, such as which source they consume the most content from.
When people engage with content that resonated with them, they want to share the joy and celebrate with their network. It’s simple - make contact that sparks joy. The more joy they feel then the more they celebrate with their network which provides more pathways for leads.
Everyone is happy when things work well and they are enjoying their experience. This is why so many people will not go back to a place where the service was not up to scratch, or will walk out of a store if the card machine is not working. With content anything that you say will filter to people and must connect with the audience with the aim to trigger an action. Good connections trigger good actions which means - sales. Ensure the buyer journey aligns to the user experience and the brand promise is delivered - couple this with great content, and you will have a commercial blueprint.
Seth Godin famously said back in 2008
“[Content marketing] is all the marketing that’s left”
Here we are over a decade later and those that adhered to this philosophy have thrived. Just take a look at what Whitney Wolfe Herd has done with Bumble.
However it’s never too late to realign your marketing strategy and work toward your content goals. At Helium Marketing we live and breathe content so give us a call and let us help guide you through the process.